What Do You Need to Consider When Choosing the Right Kitty Litter?

  kitty litter

If you own a cat, you already have the unconditional and unparalleled love only a pet can offer. According to experts, having a silent friend is not just about having company but someone who can improve your overall health. With so many benefits, a cat also needs its owner to give it the same unconditional love back, but in addition to this, everything it needs for proper care. That means it needs a suitable place to sit, special bowls for water and food, kitty litter specially for her, and some toys to pass quickly.

Having a cat is extremely satisfying. Not only can they provide you with moments full of fun, but they can also help you relieve stress through the time you spend together and disconnect from daily worries and responsibilities. As much fun as they are, they are also clean; it is a well-known fact that cats like to clean themselves constantly. Therefore, no cat will like a space that is not clean, and this also represents their litter box. Just as people take care of themselves, they must also take care of their pets and provide them with the necessary conditions.

Keep Your Kitty Litter Clean

Maybe this is not something that needs to be mentioned but you need to clean the kitty litter every time you see it is not clean anymore. The smell that it is eliminated not only bothers people inside the house, but your cat would more likely refuse to defecate there, bringing health problems to your pet. Even if you did not know, cats can have kidney problems. And that will happen due to the cat refusing to defecate because her box was not cleaned on time.

Any animal you have as a pet needs proper care. A pet is a huge responsibility, which is why specialists do not recommend getting your child an animal as a pet if he does not have the age to understand what a big responsibility it is. The best thing with cat boxes is that you have so many options to choose from, and not only that, you have plenty of help when it comes to cleaning them and deodorants specially created to get rid of foul odours. You have everything you need in pet stores.

Did You Buy Your Cat a Waste Box?

Before getting to the actual cleaning of the kitty litter you need to have one. Hot to choose the proper model? Well, that depends only on your pet. If you have a kitten, you need a model with low walls, but if you have an adult cat, the best option is to get one with higher walls. And why is that? The answer is pretty simple. You know cats usually dig their faeces; therefore, when they do that, you do not want to spread all the sand outside the box.

That is why your cat’s age is so important. Based on its age and its needs you can choose the right model that will be helpful not only for your pet but it will help you keep your house clean. As for the model, you have plenty of options. You can choose one with a frame, a covered model, or, as most choose, a standard and simple box, one that is not so complicated to use, either to clean. As for cleaning, it is important to know how to sanitize the waste box, as this is a must.

When you choose the kitty litter, the sand you use is also essential. The clay-based one is often purchased, as it has a high absorption power. It makes lumps immediately, which means it is easier to clean and is very practical as it will only deteriorate to say so at the surface. That means that you can use it longer, as it will not start to smell, and it does not get to penetrate deeper. Bentonite sand is also an option, but it is not as good as the first option, meaning you must clean the waste box more often.

Which Is the Most Recommended Sand?

People usually do this for silicate sand as it absorbs very well, and you always have a clean waste box. Of course, that does not mean that you do not need to clean it. You still do, only that this is one of the types of sand that cats enjoy. Plus, it neutralizes the urine odour very effectively. You can find odour neutralizers in different flavours, such as pine, orange or lavender, in pet stores. These are great options, too, therefore you should also consider them.  

If you have too many options available and do not know the best kitty litter to choose from, you can always ask for recommendations from other cat lovers and those working in the pet store. The vet can be very helpful, too, as he can teach you everything you need to know about what proper care means for a cat. There are different models from open ones, with a lid or automatic waste boxes, each with advantages and disadvantages. Be sure to check them out to see which fits your cat’s needs.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Cat’s Waste Boxes

The open model is the one that most cat owners buy. It is easier for the cat to enter and get out as it pleases; it is comfortable, and you can see when you have to clean it. The only disadvantage is that being uncovered, the smell can be felt more than in the case of covered models. Also, did you know that some cats are shy? Some cats cannot defecate if they do not have some intimacy. Also, when cats clog, they can get faeces out of their waste box on your room floor.

The kitty litter with a lid is for those cats that need that level of privacy mentioned earlier. These are harder to clean, but the advantage is that nothing gets on your floor. As some cats need privacy, others can feel claustrophobic in such waste boxes. Each cat is different, as humans are, too. As for automatic waste boxes, such models clean themselves, meaning they are the easiest to maintain. They also have different functions to get rid of foul odour, too. The only disadvantage is that, as you can imagine, the cost is much higher than the rest of the models.


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